Work With Us

Got what it takes to be on stage? What about behind the stage? We need you!

Crew Application

It takes a lot to run an event - year-round we employ a small team who are busily making magic behind the scenes, with the workforce extending into the hundreds in the weeks surrounding the events, when a dedicated army of skilled employees and a small team of specially selected volunteers work tirelessly to bring it all to life.

Trader Application

Each year we host a specially selected village of traders in Palloozaville, our trading area. Here, we offer our audiences a variety of food options, as well as activities & rides, stalls selling groovy garms, stands that specialise in making faces festive, and businesses that offer something exciting and different to our space.

Artist Application

Have the last few years seen you developing your sound to performance level? Or are you a seasoned performer, gracing our inbox and our future stages with your attention? Either way, we’d be honoured to have a listen, share your talent around the office soundsystem and maybe even show you to your dressing room at one of our events.